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Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts

Oct 18, 2022

Piping and Instrument Diagram (P&ID) Symbols


The different between of the Alternator and Generator

Difference Between Alternator And Generator

Sl. No.Differentiating PropertyAlternatorGenerator
1DefinitionAn alternator is a device that converts mechanical energy into AC electrical energy.A generator is a mechanical device which converts mechanical energy to either AC or DC electrical energy.
2Output CurrentAn alternator always induces an alternating current.A generator can generate either alternating or direct current.
3Energy EfficiencyAlternators are very efficient.Generators are considered less efficient.
4OutputAlternators have a higher output than generators.Generators have a lower output when compared with an alternator.
5Energy ConservationAlternators use only the required amount of energy and thus, it conserves more energy.Generators use all the energy that is produced and so, they conserve less energy.
6Polarization After InstallationPolarization is not required in case of alternators.Generators need to be polarized after installation.
7Magnetic FieldThe magnetic field is rotating inside the stator of an alternator.In case of a generator, the magnetic field is stationary or fixed where the armature winding spins.
8Armature MovementThe armature of an alternator is stationary.The armature of a generator is rotating.
9Input SupplyThe alternator takes input supply from the stator.The generator takes input supply from the rotor.
10RPM (Rotation Per Minute) RangeAlternators have a wide range of RPM.Generators have a low range of RPM.
11Voltage GenerationAlternators produce voltage only when needed.Generators produce voltage at all times.
12SizeAlternators are generally smaller in size.Generators are larger and require more space to fit in.
13Brush EfficiencyThe brushes of alternators last longer.The brushes of generators last lesser when compared to an alternator.
14Charging of a Dead BatteryAlternators will never charge a dead batteryA generator can be used for charging a dead battery.
15UsesAlternators are mainly used in the automobile industry as a charging system for the battery.Generators are widely used to produce large-scale electricity.

These were the main differences between alternators and generators. These alternators and generator differences are a bit in-depth to help the students get a complete idea about them. These detailed and advanced comparisons can help the students to get completely thorough with these respective topics. (Source)

  • Kumparan pembangkit yang terdapat pada alternator diam sedangkan untuk generator berputar.
  • Kumparan medan pada alternator dan generator terbalik dengan kumparan pembangkit. Untuk alternator berputar dan generator diam.
  • Produksi arus pada alternator tidak memerlukan regulasi sedangkan untuk generator perlu untuk diregulasi.
  • Keuntungan yang didapat dari alternator adalah pada putaran rendah sudah dalam tegangan yang cukup sedangkan pada generator pada putaran rendah tegangan yang dimiliki kecil.
  • Kerugian atau yang lebih baik disebut dalam kekurangan adalah generator memerlukan tempat yang lebih luas dibandingkan alternator. (Source)

Jan 16, 2022

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Jan 12, 2022

Principle of Internet of Things (IoT)

 System Operation

- Windows for IoT
- Google Brillo
- ARM mbed OS

Network Protocol


Data Protocol

- HTTP/HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
- MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) 
CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol)
AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) 
DDS (Data Distribution Service)
- LoRaWAN or Sigfox
- OPC Unified Architecture

IoT Cloud

- AWS IoT (Web)
 Microsoft Azure IoT (Web)
- Google Cloud IoT (Web)
 Blynk (Web and Mobile apps)
- Arduino IoT (Web and Mobile apps)
- Adafruit IO