Showing posts with label Networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Networking. Show all posts

Feb 19, 2025

Cara Mengecek SNMP running pada Windows Server

 nc -zv -u <IP_WINDOWS_SERVER> 162

gunakan Wireshark untuk mengecek paket masuk

udp.port == 162

Masalah SSID menghilang atau sering gagal konek di lingkungan dengan banyak SSID seperti auditorium luas dan ramai bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor


1. Interferensi Frekuensi dan Kanal

  • Banyaknya SSID di satu lokasi bisa menyebabkan overlapping channel dan interferensi frekuensi, terutama di pita 2.4 GHz yang hanya memiliki 3 kanal non-overlapping (1, 6, 11).
  • Solusi:
    • Gunakan 5 GHz jika perangkat mendukung, karena memiliki lebih banyak kanal non-overlapping.
    • Gunakan auto channel selection atau konfigurasi manual untuk menghindari kanal yang padat.

2. Terlalu Banyak Perangkat Terhubung ke Satu AP

  • Access Point (AP) memiliki batas maksimal jumlah perangkat yang dapat terkoneksi secara stabil.
  • Jika terlalu banyak perangkat terhubung ke satu AP, bisa terjadi kegagalan autentikasi atau SSID tidak muncul.
  • Solusi:
    • Sebar beban koneksi dengan meningkatkan jumlah AP dan mengatur agar tiap AP memiliki cakupan terbatas.
    • Gunakan fitur Band Steering untuk memindahkan perangkat dari 2.4 GHz ke 5 GHz jika memungkinkan.
    • Jika AP mendukung, aktifkan Load Balancing agar perangkat otomatis berpindah ke AP dengan beban lebih ringan.

3. Beacon Overload

  • Terlalu banyak SSID di satu AP bisa menyebabkan beacon overhead, yaitu banyaknya paket beacon yang dikirim untuk mengumumkan SSID.
  • Jika terlalu banyak, ini bisa mengurangi bandwidth efektif dan memperlambat koneksi.
  • Solusi:
    • Kurangi jumlah SSID per AP (idealnya maksimal 3-4 SSID per AP).
    • Tingkatkan interval beacon untuk mengurangi beban jaringan.

4. Power Transmit yang Terlalu Tinggi

  • Jika daya pancar AP terlalu tinggi, perangkat akan tetap mencoba terhubung ke AP yang jauh, padahal ada AP lain yang lebih dekat.
  • Solusi:
    • Turunkan power transmit AP agar perangkat lebih cepat berpindah ke AP yang lebih dekat.
    • Gunakan roaming threshold yang sesuai (misalnya -70 dBm) agar perangkat berpindah ke AP yang lebih kuat.

5. Masalah DHCP atau IP Address Exhaustion

  • Jika banyak perangkat yang terkoneksi, server DHCP bisa kehabisan alamat IP.
  • Solusi:
    • Pastikan DHCP server memiliki rentang IP yang cukup besar.
    • Gunakan VLAN untuk membagi trafik dan menghindari kehabisan IP.

Dec 25, 2024



- /logs/?golong=keluaran+pekan+baru

Penetration Test (Pentest) and Cyber Security Tools



XSS-SQL Injection


- apt install golang





- to check website domain

- install from


Dec 24, 2024

Openvpn free access - VPNbook

 openvpn is open source but not for the vpn server access, this website provide free openvpn server access vpnboo, but we still need be carefull when access this VPN

Dec 22, 2024


SFP - 1Gb/s

SFP+ - 16Gb/s

XFP - 10Gb/s

SR - Short Range (100m)

LR - Long Range (Over 100m)

ER - Up to 40km

ZR - Up to 80km

Dec 20, 2024

SSH Public Key Scan


ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa hostname

ssh-keygen -lf <(ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa hostname)

Jul 29, 2024

Omnivista Update/Upgrade and License
and choose the product


Jul 24, 2024

SNMP Trap,authentication%20or%20a%20power%20failure.

SNMP is used for managing and monitoring network devices such as routers, switches and servers.

An SNMP trap is a message that’s sent from a network device to an SNMP management system without being solicited by the system. The trap is triggered when a specific event or condition occurs on the device, such as a link going down, an authentication or a power failure.

The SNMP trap message contains information about the event or condition, such as the device and interface where the event occurred, the time the event occurred and the severity of the event.

Furthermore, SNMP traps are essential for managing network devices, since they enable the management system to be alerted to critical events in real time. Without SNMP traps, network administrators would need to manually monitor network devices for issues, which is time consuming and prone to errors. SNMP traps allow administrators to respond quickly to critical events, which can prevent network downtime and improve network performance

Jul 17, 2024


PPTP stands for Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. PPTP, operating on TCP port 1723, is one of the oldest VPN protocols still in use, having been around since Windows 95 and standard on all versions of Windows since. PPTP was developed by a Microsoft initiative to encapsulate another protocol called PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol).

The Simple Network Management Protocol - SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, SNMPv3

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a Layer-7 protocol for collecting and organizing information about managed devices on IP networks and for modifying that information to change device behavior. It allows devices to communicate even if the devices are different hardware and run different software.

There are two major types of devices in SNMP, they are Managed devices which are devices being managed using SNMP and Network Management Station (NMS) which could be a device or devices managing the managed devices. It could also be seen as the SNMP server.

SNMP is a Layer7 protocol (Application Layer), with a defined standard of RFC1155, RFC1157. The purpose of SNMP is for network management and has three main versions (SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, SNMPv3). SNMP agent receives requests/responses on UDP port 161, and notifications on port 162.

There are three basic operations that are used in SNMP:
  • Managed devices can alert the NMS events
  • NMS can ask the managed devices for info about their present state
  • NMS can inform the managed devices to modify aspects of their configuration


SNMPv1 is the first version of SNMP. It's easy to set up, as it only requires a plain text community.

Although it accomplished its goal of being an open, standard protocol, it was found to be lacking in key areas for certain managing applications. For example, it only supports 32-bit counters and has poor security features - a community string is the only security method in the SNMPv1.

Later versions have addressed many of these problems. Smaller RTUs commonly support SNMPv1.


The Get, GetNext, and Set operations used in SNMPv1 are identical as those used in SNMPv2c. However, SNMPv2c's key advantage over previous versions is the Inform command. Unlike Traps, which are simply received by a manager, Informs are positively acknowledged with a response message. If a manager does not reply to an Inform, the SNMP agent will resend the Inform.

Other advantages include:
  • Improved error handling
  • Improved SET commands

SNMPv2 security, just like for SNMPv1, comes into the form of community strings. This is a password that your devices will need to able allowed to talk to each other and transfer information when SNMP requests occur.

Also, keep in mind that not all devices are SNMPv2c compliant, so your SNMP manager should be downward compatible with SNMPv1 devices. You can also use an SNMPv3 mediation device to ensure compatibility with earlier versions.

Jul 16, 2024

Protocol Number and Local/Remote Port

In the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) [RFC791] there is a field called "Protocol" to identify the next level protocol.  This is an 8
bit field.  
In Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) [RFC8200], this field  is called the "Next Header" field.

Microservice Networking

 Docker Networks

Jul 14, 2024

Cara agar windows bisa di Ping

Jul 10, 2024

BGP router concept

Routing - Network Path

Jun 23, 2024

Alcatel Omniswitch Commandline

Alcatel Omniswitches operate in either of two modes: working or certified.

  • Run show running-directory to know which mode the switch is currently in.
    • In working mode, the configuration can be modified and should be used for all config changes. According to Alcatel, it's not possible to make changes while in certified mode, but there's an easy work around below.
  • During the bootup process, if working and certified configuration files are different, the switch will boot into certified mode.
  • Configuration files are stored in working/boot.cfg and certified/boot.cfg.
    • These can be directly edited with vi.

May 13, 2024

Host, Name Server, DNS, Open Port, Nmap

  • host
    • host
    • host -t ns
    • host -l
  • nslookup (Name Server Lookup)
    • nslookup -query=mx
    • nslookup -query=ns
  • dig
    • dig -h (help)
    • dig
    • dig axfr
  • dnsrecon
    • dnsrecon -h
    • dnsrecon -d
  • dnsenum
    • dnsenum -h
    • dnsenum
  • Nmap
    • nmap -h
    • nmap -sV
    • nmap -v -A (to check open port TCP)
    • nmap -v -sn
    • nmap nmap -T4 -A -v
    • nmap -p 1-65535 -T4 -A -v (to check open port TCP)
    • nmap -sU (to check UDP)
    • nmap -sA (to check  if the remote host is hidden behind a firewall or not)
    • nmap -sZ (
    • nmap -v -n -Pn --script http-vuln-cve*
    • nmap -v -n -Pn --script http-enum.nse
opcode, query, status, id, flags, authority

May 11, 2024

RF Management

  •  RF (Radio Frequency)
  • ACS (Automatic Channel Selection)
  • APC (Auto Power Control)
  • ARM (Adaptive Radio Management)
  • CSA (Channel Switch Announcement)
  • FCC (
  • MIMO
  • PoE (Power over Ethernet)
  • EEE (Energy Efficient Ethernet)
  • Advanced Cellular Coexistence (ACC) meminimalkan dampak dari gangguan jaringan seluler.
  • Maximum ratio combining (MRC) untuk meningkatkan performa receiver.
  • Cyclic Delay/Shift Diversity (CDD/CSD) untuk meningkatkan performa RF downlink.
  • Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) untuk meningkatkan jangkauan dan menerima respons.
  • Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) untuk koreksi kesalahan high-efficiency dan meningkatkan bandwidth aktual.
  • Transmit Beam-Forming (TxBF) untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan jangkauan dan sinyal.
  • 802.11ax Target Wait Time (TWT) untuk mendukung perangkat klien berdaya rendah.
  • Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) mengoptimalkan penggunaan spektrum RF yang tersedia
  • OFMDA (Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access) 


  • Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
  • Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax)
  • Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be)
Teknologi radio yang di dukung:
  • 802.11b: Direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS)
  • 802.11a/g/n/ac: Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)
  • 802.11ax: Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) dengan hingga 16-unit sumber daya (untuk saluran 80MHz

  • Dukungan 802.11n High-Throughput (HT): HT20/40
  • Dukungan 802.11ac Very High Throughput (VHT): VHT20/40/80/160
  • Dukungan 802.11ax High Efficiency  (HE): HE20/40/80/160