Pipa utama biasanya berdiameter lebih besar dari pipa pengeluaran dan pipa distribusi biasanya lebih kecil daripada pipa penggeluaran. Untuk menghubungkan sistem header ini biasanya diperlukan beberapa pelengkapan yaitu : flexible joint, check valve, gate valva dan fitting-fitting lainnya.
Pipa HEADER, adalah pipa untuk membagi tekanan agar debit air di setiap titik kran sama tekanannya. (kebanyakan rumah di kampung termasuk rumah saya, tidak menggunakan sistem header, namun pipa dari pompa dorong/ torn langsung dicabang-cabang ke segala penjuru titik. Akibatnya, jika kran 1 dan kran 2 dibuka, maka kran 3 dan 4 bisa jadi tidak kebagian air. Bagian ini (pipa header) menjadi bagian paling penting dlm sistem plumbing.
A pig launcher is a system used to send a PIG through a pipeline. It uses pressure to propel the PIG out of the launcher barrel and sends it through the pipeline system. These come in a variety of sizes depending on the pipeline size. Components typically include a closure door, main line valve, kicker line valve, bleed valve, pressure gauge, drain valve, and PIG signal. The PIG signals are used on the launchers and receivers as well as various places along the pipeline. This helps the company track where in the pipeline their PIGs are located. The pig receiver is set up on the other end of the pipeline section to receive the PIG. Materials can include carbon steel, stainless steel, and even FRP.
PIG launchers are located where a PIG is to be sent into the pipeline. Likewise, PIG receivers are placed where the PIG is to be removed from the pipeline. You will find launchers and receivers all along a pipeline. It is important to depressurize the pig launcher and receiver tubes before inserting or removing the PIG to ensure safe operation.